Protecting Your Interests with Trisuka

Welcome to Trisuka, your trusted partner for handling trademark oppositions. Our team of experienced professionals is here to guide you through the process of raising trademark opposition, ensuring the protection of your valuable brand interests. Let’s explore the world of trademark opposition and understand its significance.


Raising Trademark Opposition

Raising trademark opposition refers to the legal process of challenging the registration of a trademark by filing an opposition with the trademark office. It allows interested parties to voice concerns and protect their own trademark rights by preventing the registration of a potentially conflicting mark.

  • Notice of Opposition: A written document outlining the opposition and the grounds on which it is raised.
  • Evidence of Prior Rights: Documents supporting the existence and prior use of the opposing party’s trademark.
  • Supporting Arguments: Legal arguments explaining the reasons for the opposition and the potential harm it may cause.
  • Review and Research: Thoroughly examine the trademark application and conduct research to gather evidence supporting the grounds for opposition.
  • Preparation of Notice of Opposition: Draft a detailed notice of opposition, clearly stating the reasons for opposition and the specific grounds relied upon.
  • Filing the Opposition: Submit the notice of opposition along with the required documents to the trademark office within the prescribed timeline.
  • Serving the Opposition: Serve a copy of the notice of opposition to the trademark applicant, ensuring compliance with the legal requirements.
  • Response and Proceedings: Await the response from the trademark applicant and engage in subsequent proceedings, such as hearings or negotiations, if necessary.
  • Decision and Outcome: The trademark office will render a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented by both parties.

Any person or entity that believes their existing trademark rights may be affected by the registration of a conflicting mark is eligible to raise a trademark opposition. It is crucial to have valid prior rights and legitimate concerns related to the potential confusion or harm that may arise from the registration of the opposed mark.

  • Protecting Trademark Rights: Raising trademark opposition helps safeguard your existing trademark rights by preventing the registration of potentially conflicting marks.
  • Preserving Brand Identity: Opposition ensures that your brand identity remains distinct and does not face confusion or dilution due to similar or identical trademarks.
  • Legal Recourse: Raising opposition provides a legal mechanism to address concerns and assert your rights, allowing for negotiation, settlement, or further proceedings.
  • Establishing Precedent: Successful opposition can set a legal precedent, reinforcing the importance of trademark protection and clarity in the marketplace.
  • Preserving Market Share: By preventing the registration of a potentially infringing mark, trademark opposition helps maintain your market share and prevents unfair competition.


  1. Can anyone raise a trademark opposition?
    Yes, any person or entity with valid prior rights and legitimate concerns regarding potential confusion or harm can raise a trademark opposition.

  2. What are the common grounds for raising trademark opposition?
    Common grounds for trademark opposition include similarity to existing marks, potential confusion among consumers, dilution of distinctive character, and violation of prior rights.

  3. What happens after I raise a trademark opposition?
    After raising a trademark opposition, the trademark office will notify the applicant, who can respond to the opposition. Further proceedings, such as hearings or negotiations, may follow.

  4. Is it possible to settle a trademark opposition outside of the legal process?
    Yes, parties involved in a trademark opposition can engage in negotiation or settlement discussions to resolve the matter without further legal proceedings.

  5. What if my trademark opposition is unsuccessful? Can I appeal the decision?
    If your trademark opposition is unsuccessful, you may have the option to appeal the decision to the appropriate intellectual property authorities, seeking further review and reconsideration.

**Please note that while these answers provide a general understanding, it is always advisable to consult with professionals or legal experts for specific guidance to your unique circumstances.