Food Safety and Standards Authority of India(FSSAI) registration is a mandatory requirement for businesses involved in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, or distribution of food products in India.

Welcome to Trisuka, your trusted partner for all your financial needs. We understand the significance of FSSAI registration for businesses in the food industry. We will provide you with a comprehensive overview of FSSAI registration, including its purpose, necessary documents, steps to be followed, eligibility criteria, and benefits.


FSSAI Registration

FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) registration is a mandatory requirement for businesses involved in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, or distribution of food products in India. FSSAI registration ensures compliance with food safety and hygiene standards set by the government to protect the health and well-being of consumers.

To register for FSSAI, the following documents are generally required:

  • Business owner’s identity proof (PAN card, Aadhaar card, or voter ID)
  • Business address proof (ownership documents, rental agreement, or lease deed)
  • Proof of business entity (certificate of incorporation, partnership deed, or LLP agreement)
  • List of food products to be manufactured or processed
  • Food safety management system plan (if applicable)
  • NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the municipality or local body (for premises verification)
  • Declaration form stating the food safety standards compliance
  • Visit the official FSSAI website or Click Here for easy registration.
  • Fill in the necessary details, such as the legal name of the business, address, and contact information.
  • Select the type of FSSAI registration, such as Basic, State, or Central, based on your business scale and operations.
  • Submit the required documents in the prescribed format, including identity proof, address proof, and business entity proof.
  • Pay the applicable registration fee, which varies based on the type of FSSAI registration.
  • Verify the provided information and submit the registration application.
  • Await the verification and processing of your application by the FSSAI authorities.
  • Once approved, you will receive your unique FSSAI registration certificate, which should be prominently displayed at your business premises.

The following entities are generally required to register for FSSAI:

  • Businesses involved in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, or distribution of food products
  • Hotels, restaurants, catering establishments, food stalls, and canteens
  • Food importers and exporters
  • Small-scale food businesses

FSSAI registration offers several benefits to registered businesses, including:

  • Legal compliance: FSSAI registration ensures compliance with food safety and hygiene standards mandated by the government, enabling businesses to operate legally.
  • Consumer trust: FSSAI registration enhances consumer confidence in the safety and quality of the food products being offered, leading to increased trust and customer loyalty.
  • Business expansion: FSSAI registration is often a prerequisite for participation in tenders, contracts, and government schemes, opening up opportunities for business growth and expansion.
  • Quality control: FSSAI registration promotes quality control and food safety measures within the business operations, ensuring that the products meet the necessary standards.
  • Competitive advantage: FSSAI registration distinguishes registered businesses from unregistered ones, providing a competitive edge and enhancing their market reputation.


  1. Is FSSAI registration mandatory for all food businesses?
    Yes, FSSAI registration is mandatory for all food businesses involved in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, or distribution of food products. The type of registration (Basic, State, or Central) depends on the scale and nature of the business operations.
  2. What is the difference between Basic, State, and Central FSSAI registration?
    Basic registration is applicable for small-scale food businesses with an annual turnover below a specified threshold. State and Central registration are for businesses with larger operations and higher turnover, requiring compliance with more stringent regulations.
  3. How long does it take to obtain an FSSAI registration certificate?
    The time taken to obtain an FSSAI registration certificate can vary depending on the completeness of the application and the processing time of the FSSAI authorities. It usually takes a few weeks to a couple of months.
  4. Is FSSAI registration certificate valid across all states in India?
    Yes, the FSSAI registration certificate is valid across all states in India. It allows businesses to operate and sell their food products anywhere within the country.
  5. What happens if a food business operates without FSSAI registration?
    Operating a food business without FSSAI registration is a violation of the law and can attract penalties, fines, or even closure of the business. It is important to obtain FSSAI registration to ensure compliance with food safety regulations.

**Please note that while these answers provide a general understanding, it is always advisable to consult with professionals or legal experts for specific guidance to your unique circumstances.